Sunday, May 21, 2006

Dinner at the Paramount

We had a grand time and Jeff Clark showed up and graciously picked up the check. Posted by Picasa


This is how they park cars in Manhatten.

"Excuse me sir, but I wanted the middle lift?" Posted by Picasa

Bryant Park in Manhatten

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Chrysler Building

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Freddy is a bit of an icon at Yankee Stadium. He bangs large pots and makes a lot of noise and he has his own website I am told. On the West Coast "Crazy George" would be the equivalent. Posted by Picasa

The House That Ruth Built

It's a sparse old stadium, to be sure. Nothing like AT&T in San Francisco. It's simpler, and frankly, less commercial. Posted by Picasa

The Yankee Game!

I took the subway from somwhere near W 46th Street down to the Bronx. On the way I met this delightful family also on their way to the game and they gave me their predictions on the outcome. The gentleman pictured here heartily despises The Big Unit (Randy Johnson) and hoped that he would get shelled early and leave and the Yankees would still prevail.

It was nice talking with them and they gave me advice as a newbie about food and seating. We had a great time on the way to the game.

New York has a kind of an angry reputation until you actually visit. The people are very nice, open and fun. I had fun the whole day and the people were one of the best things about it. Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 15, 2006

Some great fans

You hear about New Yorkers and about the fans but they really are fun and very friendly. Mom and daughter here (and their freind who is not pictured) were a lot of fun.

The told me a lot of insider info about the game and various traditions. Posted by Picasa

Yankee Stadium

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Hanging with Shane

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Twiggy Holding Court

One of the nicest guys on the planet. Class act. He took good care of the Macman and everyone else. Posted by Picasa

The Paramount Lobby

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Pepper was awesome

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The Krishna's were the nicest.

Good music too. Posted by Picasa

Good witha Bowstaff

Got into a theological debate with a couple of these guys....hard core cultists. The Scientologists were out in droves as well, so I took the liberty of telling a few of them that "engrams" were a fantasy. I was not beaten. Posted by Picasa

They all perform

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Sunday, May 14, 2006


Bar at Hard Rock. The Sparks Rep got me this lighted lightening can but it got ripped off ten minutes later by a man who fled the building.

I have the power source. I wish him well. Posted by Picasa

Pepper opens and rocks

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Mavericks in the Middle

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I'm an alien in New York

It's near 3 a.m and Seelbach needs to be restrained. I'm half asleep as I have been up for nearly a day. Posted by Picasa

Ahhhh...New York....

Man has a parrot, a Boa and an Alligator. It's 1 a.m. New York. Posted by Picasa

Good Band in The Village

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This is what happens...

19 people in a limo. Posted by Picasa

And these are not small guys...

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Taking over

KNBR star Steve takes over and makes a deal for the limo. He negotiated for 10 people. 19 people end up in the limo which is destined for The Village. Posted by Picasa