Monday, March 28, 2005

The Citadel


The Citadel is home.

Today, for the first time my wish came true: the great Pacific wind swept off the ocean at Bolinas and whipped over the mountains and drove straight down into San Anselmo.

Been waiting for that.

I doubt most pick up on it. Yood have to live in the Sacramento basin for twenty or so years to really appreciate the incredible beauty of today.

They call Sacramento a "valley". It isn't. It's a basin at best, worse it is like an immense toilet bowl or at least dustbowl...a "Dyson" prototype gone horribly wrong where all the worst kinds of dust, mites, pores, pollens, hayseed, garbage, flak, decompossing leaves (Sacramento is second only to Paris in trees per capita...not always a good thing), gas fumes, pollutants, smog and bad political rhetoric all swirl around day after day in a gigantic turbine only to be heated from above by a merciless ozone-less sun that cooks and atrophies each layer of filth into a powdery soupy (minus the water) pile of choke-inducing smack...which each Sacramentan then snorts like a line every time they breath in.

Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Erik said...

So, er, Mac... are ya homesick for Sac or what?