Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Part Two

The last thing I want to say about Excramento, is that it is deceptively surrounded by brown water.

It took me awhile (as my eyes burned perpetually like the JFK memorial) to realize why I never say any topography except the few moments I was on the freeway.

Everything is underwater in Sacramento.

Down on the Delta, say in Antioch or Isleton you might get a legitimate breeze...some gasp of real air not cooked a thousand times in the Sacramento Easy Bake Oven.

So it was not mistake that when I travelled to the Coast...to Baker, or Bolinas, or Pt. Reyes..I immediately felt healthier and more vibrant.

Most of Sacramento is underwater...under the levee. The dustbowl is surrounded by waterways that help catch and contain all the ugly filth mentioned below..and which might, with the help of a good wind, actually clear out.

Instead it is like a vortex that simply sucks all manner of crap into the core of the basion or dry bowl.

Er,..I do not miss it.

Posted by Hello


Erik said...

OK, OK... so you don't miss Sac. Fair enough. My bad.

Obi-Mac BakDon said...

Actually...I miss downtown a little, and it has gotten better down there (some culture). But you probably do not know I was originally a Bay Area lad.